
Blue whale challenge poem

Don't Play Blue whale challenge

Hey guys now a days
attacks are done mostly by programmers like phising,malware,ddos,virus manymore.here is BLUE WHALE attack.

A GAME OF Dangerous Obstacles
Finish the Game in fifty Days
Everyone shivers to play the game
World shakes before this webgame

Life is like a bird without wings
Be Alert while playing android games
We have to shun some dangerous games
There is a Game Spoil several lives

Woke up at 4:20AM
Playing game is so masti
Game call into Dark Room
Draw whale pic on your arm

Philip had developed this Game
Commiting Sucide is Main Theme
Cut Your lip with Blade
It was startup for your death

Curator sends daily tasks
Participators are biological wastes
Hashtags plays vital role
Can runs you into internet hole

Teenagers interested to play
Their lives can't be repay
Our life is world wonder
Don't spoil it by BlueWHALE thunder

Sleeping on railway track
Death is on your back
Don't play Blue whale game
Just play pink whale game

The poem main theme to don't get addicted to dangerous games.

Kumarjeeru SRS tech team

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  1. I've heard of the Blue Whale Challenge but had never heard it referred to it with the name before. It is horrible that someone would do this to another person!

  2. Don't get addicted to dangerous games is good advice! I am glad you explained what the theme was.

  3. There really are some scary games out there on the web and it is sad they seem to draw venerable people in.

  4. Really emotional poem. Love the lines Teenagers interested to play
    Their lives can't be repay.
    Can't say much about the challenge, but definitely glad the person who created it is jailed!

  5. I have kids in middle school and this blue whale challenge was a big problem. They schools sent all kinds of warnings home. The internet can be such a dangerous place for kids if not monitored correctly.

  6. This is really well written poem. You did an amazing job and I agree with the theme.

  7. With today's technology games have gone to a whole new level. It can be easy to get addicted to playing and forget about what is really important in your life. The world is a scary place.

  8. Ah yes I heard about the blue whale challenge in someone elses post and it is so sad! A beautifully written and poignant poem.

  9. It is so sad that a game like this was even created. This is why it is so important for parents to know what their children are doing on the internet and social media!

  10. The Blue whale game is so horrible that put many teenagers in danger. We, internet users, must be careful while playing online games. Thanks for your sharing!

  11. The Blue whale game is so horrible that put many teenagers in danger. We, internet users, must be careful while playing online games. Thanks for your sharing!

  12. The Blue whale game is so horrible that put many teenagers in danger. We, internet users, must be careful while playing online games. Thanks for uour sharing!

  13. How cute and funny is that poem! Love the subject of the poem, such a different one!

  14. I did hear about this blue whale game and I think the idea behind it is very sick. Why would you want to drive vulnerable teens to suicide?

  15. Great poem! I also really loved the video!

  16. What a horrific game, and it says a lot about those that push others to suicide. I didn't realize it was so popular.

  17. You wrote a great poem. And I agree, don't get addicted to games. My son sometimes does, and I have to remind him to step away.

  18. This poem was so beautifully written. I love seeing thoughts expressed out in this way.

  19. I am not into mobile games and I am glad for it. Sometimes it eats up a lot of time so I guess I am staying up for not downloading any games on my cellphone. Great poem too!

  20. I dont play online mobile games, and whenever someone's tag me of send me online game link, sorry but I blocked them immediately. Games are new source for data mining.

  21. What thoughtful, intense poetry about a scary subject. It makes me glad that I'm not downloading games on my cell.

  22. Very important advice! Our games are so violent and this has a negative effect on some young people's minds.


  23. The only game I have in my mobile is Scrabble ;) I am a bit addicted to it so I don't delete it...
    Great poem... a good reminder to not get addicted to games and sometimes it's better to take a break!

  24. This is a great way to warn about this game through a poem.Every reason for not to play is clearly explained.Hope this will help teens who are addicted to such scary games to stay away from such!

  25. Oh wow! I had not heard of the Blue Whale Challenge before. That is so scary.

  26. I never think that one game can be such harmful for people. But your poem just lightens my thoughts.I will remember every lines of this poem and share this poem to some of my friends. Thank you very much for giving us some warnings.

  27. Not going to lie this game sounds morbid. I really hope its fake its horrible!

  28. There is something incredibly heartbreaking about this poetry. It moves me but to intense sadness for the world.

  29. I did not even know this was a game or they had games out there like this one. It is an extremely disusing game in my option. Thanks for sharing the poem and awareness.

  30. I hadn't heard of this game before, but it is horrific! I didn't realize how popular it was! It's a great poem, thanks for sharing!

  31. Once upon a time I was addicted to online games before. It caused me a lot of grief and I really learned my lessons the hard way. We should always prioritize our times better and not let fame addition take over our lives.


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