My poems Robo 2.0 Poem by KumarJeeru Hey guys lookout i wrote a poem on Robo 2.0 trailer . read out now I loves to write poems on trending technology .the… KUMAR JEERU 12:00 PM 2 comments
My poems Blue whale challenge poem Don't Play Blue whale challenge Hey guys now a days attacks are done mostly by programmers like phising,ma… KUMAR JEERU 7:46 AM 31 comments
My poems Rain poem .Rain poem à°®ిà°¤్à°°à°® హలో à°¨ేà°¡ు à°¨ేà°¨ు వర్à°·ం à°—ుà°°ుంà°šి à°’à°• à°•à°µిà°¤ à°°ాà°¶ాà°°ు. కలలో à°•à°°ుà°£ింà°šీà°¨ వర్à°·ం. à°•à°°్à°·à°•ుà°² à°’à°¡ిà°²ో à°¦ేà°µుà°¡ు à°…ంà°¦… KUMAR JEERU 5:42 PM 0 Komentar
My poems I LOVE YOU POEM Happy valentines day2018 Happy valentines day to all the lovers all over the world.i wrote this a poem written by me to… KUMAR JEERU 2:33 PM 0 Komentar
My poems Indian Army Jai Jawan jai blogger THE defence is a part of protection to our country. past 50years indians equip the soliders with… KUMAR JEERU 6:06 PM 0 Komentar
My poems Mowgli Poem by KumarJeeru THE JUNGLE BOOK{Mowgli} NOW a DAys there are huge numbe of cartoon movies but a unforgottble catchy story forever is … KUMAR JEERU 4:13 PM 0 Komentar