
How To Install Kali Linux On Your Android Smartphone


Security-focused operating is the hacker's best friend, as it helps them to detect the weakness in the computer system or computer network. whether you want to pause a career in computer security or you are working as a security professional or you are interested in this field for fun or decent Linux destroy that suits your purpose is always a must, currently there are countless Linux destroys meant for purposes. kali Linux is industry leading Linux distribution and penetrating testing and ethical hacking, it is a distribution that offers tons and tons of hacking and penetration tool and software by default. its widely recognized in all parts of the world even among windows users who may not know what Linux is are using Kali Linux these days. the purpose of the Kali Linux is to provide offensive security to users this cool OS is so popular that it is compatible in smartphone also, due to the increment in smartphone users the company is focusing on the security in the mobile industry. this cool OS can be accessed in your android device too, so here are guides that can help you to install Kali Linux in your android device.


in this method we will be installing all the Linux file on your android smartphone by downloading all the files so, before going through each step please check the all the requirements mentioned below –
1)    fully charged an android smartphone
2)    an uninterrupted internet
3)    Rooted Android smartphone
4)    Free space of 5GB

1)    install Kali Linux from Linux deploy the app

Step 1: simply go to the app store search for Linux deploy the app to download and install the app.
Step 2: launch the app after the download and install are completed.
Step 3: launch the app and tap on the download button.

Step 4: go to the distribution option and change it to Kali Linux.

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Step 5: Scroll up and on the top of the section click on the install button.
Step 6:  please wait until your download is completed.
Step 7: after the download is completed go to the play store and download the VNC viewer app

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Step 8: launch the VNC viewer App.
Step 9:  fill the local host as Kali and tick on the save password box and scroll down and click the tick button.

Step 10: after that click on the connect button then you can use Kali Linux.

2)    install Kali Linux without root.

Step 1: Download apps Termux and AnLinux from your play store.

Step 2: Download another app called  VNC viewer app

Step 3: After the download is complete launch the AnLinux app.
Step 4: Now you can see the choose option kali from the distro.

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Step 5: Scroll down copy the command from the copy button and launch Termux app.

Step 6: Paste the command into theTermux app and press enter.

Step 7: Wait until all the files are downloaded which takes around 30 min.
Step 8: Ounces all the files are downloaded you will see a welcome message.

Step 9: Now start you Kali Linux by typing command ( ./start-kali.sh ) .

Step 10: Now again swipe to AnLinux app.
Step 11: Now click the bar of the app which is the menu bar.
Step 12: Go to the desktop environment.

Step 13: Go to the choose option and select kali.
Step 14: Tab down to choose the desktop environment and choose (xfce4).

Step 15: Scroll down to copy button and click the button.
Step 16: Again wait for the process is completed.
Step 17: Launch the Termix and paste to code to the Termix

Step 18: After this, you should get a success message.
Step 19: Now type a command vncserver-start 

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Step 20: Now it will give you a success message.
Step 21: Open the VNC viewer.
Step 22: Click on the kali tab and type (localhost) as address and give a name.

Step 23: Click to the connect tab and give a password and then you can run Kali Linux.

Its working well on my mobile.hope you loved this.dont forget to share to all your friends and groups 


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