
How to solve Rubik's Cube (in 20 moves or less)

Hello guys now i am going to show you how to solove 3×3 Rubiks cube without using any algorithms

. learning 3x3 Rubiks cube is harder to learn all algorithms although i have learnt all of those alogorthims just in a month.

But now i am going to teach you how to solve rubiks cube within 20-30moves using gods algorithm 

It can solove 2x2,3x3,4x4,pyramid rubiks cubes 
This website shows clean and user friendly interface.just select colours as show on rubiks cube click on solove
You are on the solution page, generated by theonline Rubik's Cube solver.Allow some time for the program to calculate and return the solution. This usually takes around 20 seconds but it can go up to 2 minutes so please bepatient. This solver won't find the same steps that you applied for the scramble but depending on your computer's performance it finds the solution in 20-25 steps.

How To Apply The Solution?

Hold the cube in your hands as the program shows the starting position. This is the sameorientation you used when you input the colors.If you know what the letters mean in the solution (explained below) you can easily apply the steps. Alternatively you can clickthrough them one by one or play the solution with the desired speed, while you're following the turns.You can find images of allsteps from the starting position to the solved state. The images have marked faces showing which has to be turned in which direction. Watch out for double 180° rotation which are marked with2x.Be careful because if you miss or fail one move youend up with a scrambled cube and you'll have to start it over!

How Does It Find The Solution?

The program is using the algorithm of Herbert Kociemba's Cube Explorer (open-source program fromkociemba.org). This method is able to find the solution for any initial scramble in 20 half-turn metric steps (180° rotatoins count as one step), however we had to limit this solver to protect our server.First it's looking for the solution in 20 steps (God's Number) but if the program doesn't return any result below the time threshold then it's switching to 24 steps andreturns the nearly optimalsolution.

🔰Rubiks solove 

Interesting Fact About The Rubik's Cube is That the Middle Cubelets All Stay the Same in Relation to Each Other. The Instructions will Refer to The Middle Cubelet as the Cube Face to Turn.Superb graphics and Awesome i prefers this website as best

Ruwix is the best place to learn about the Rubik's Cube™ and other twisty puzzles. Check out the online solver, the cube timer, simulators ,vast puzzles and training tutorials 

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